Thursday, June 17, 2010

Congrats to Elizabeth!!!

Miss Elizabeth Jane
Graduation number two for this year. I can not even believe this girl is DONE! It completely blows my mind. I love her and her sweet personality and am SO proud of her! GOOD JOB ELIZABETH and good luck in your future at BYU I!!!!

Zachary being cheeeeeesy

Lily, Esther, and Emma waiting for it to start

Brandon and our little sleepy man... notice his sexy little leg action Ü

Lily smiling just for BRIANNA

Ruby's pretty eyes

Ruby trying to escape

Elizabeth and cranky hungry Colston

Me and our little man

We are STILLLL in love... isn't it GREAT?!

Me and Emma smiling for BRIANNA

Me and the Grad

So my mom has some more pictures on her camera because mine died... so I will post a few more when I steal them from her! And I want Brianna to know that Emma and Lily wouldn't let me take pictures of them til I told them they were for you. So feeeeeeeeeel loved!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Visit from Anna Banana

Even though we live SUPER close we hardly EVER hang out. That's cause we are lame like that. BUT TODAY Anna didn't have to work and I was home with Colston, so she came to visit! It was SOOOO nice to have her and chat and let her love on little Colston. Here are some random pictures from today!


Pretty much Besties

They love each other

Gave him some Baby Tylenol cause he had a small fever and was cranky due to his nasty shots yesterday... he then fell asleep in his Boppy. I just LOVE him.

Another shot... cause he's TOOOOOO adorable

And then I HAD to... HAD to kiss his sweet cheeks... I LOVE THIS BOY!

Happy Graduation Amber!

Last night AMBER BERRY took that big step and GRADUATED from high school!!! It was a long but good ceremony and Colston did great considering we went straight from the Dr. and his shots. CONGRATS AMBER!


Sleeping Colston

Britt and Amber

Amber and Teresa

Us and Amber

Amber getting her diploma on the left....


Now Saturday Elizabeth graduates! Crazy.


The time for Colston's second round of shots arrived and I was NOT excited. His stats came in at:

HEAD: 14 cm
LENGTH: 21 in
WEIGHT: 8lbs 14 oz
10th percentile

They call him petite. (BUT he was surprised at how strong he already is) Ha... I told him it was nothing personal and that someday he will have big muscles like his daddy. THEN while we were waiting for his shots to arrive, he fell into a DEEP sleep. Lame AGAIN. I felt bad that he would soon have to wake up to SHOTS in his poor little petite chicken legs. Here is a before and after shot of our little man.

Clearly... Before.

And clearly.... After. Our poor sad little man.

He did such a good job and was so brave. He had the saddest cry in the entire world that I would like to never see or hear again but I know I will have to... I just don't ever want him to hurt. EVER.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I can NOT even believe this little man is TWO MONTHS already. Time has flown by... and I have to go back to work next week. It's lame. It's sad. And I am NOT happy about it. But it's what our family has to do for the time being so I will suck it up. Oh how we LOVE our Buddy Man.


He's soooo alert now... stay tuned for his stats... Dr. tomorrow! That means shots... :o( SAD

One tired two month old

But clearly having some pretty good dreams Ü

This was yesterday... but he sure does love his daddy... and daddy loves him!!!

For Laura

THESE ARE OTTER POPS. Like a Popsicle but in a plastic bag thing... ha... And I can seriously eat the whole box probably in a day.

And THIS is my dinner. We made home made pizza's and I had a yummy rootbeer too!!!!


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Decided to take a walk to the park and we found BATTLE GROUND'S very own Saturday Market. It's small but cute... hahaha!

Brandon pushing the stroller

Eating otter pops... cause I LOVE them and could eat the whole box. BY MYSELF.

The little Saturday Market

Just looking around


B playing some ball

My toes are happy and LOVING this sunshine!

Buddy Man just sleeping in the warm breeze

This is him passed out when we got home... hahaha mouth open and all.

The Lake of Battle Ground

Today we went for a walk at Battle Ground Lake. The sun is shining and it's beautiful and WARM outside. It's about time the sun decided to come out and play. Brianna surprised us by coming home this weekend so we and Angela's family enjoyed a sunny walk together.
The beginning of the trail

Miss Angela

Me with my nieces

Just walking

The Sheldon girls minus Esther

Brandon with Colston in the front pack

I finally caught Esther... she liked to run ahead of everyone

Me and Elizabeth

Our happy little family

The studly boys... minus Stuart of course

The 'kids'

Elizabeth in thought... she's so pretty

View of the lake

Trying to cross the muddy, puddle filled trail

All the Sheldon girls

Just Brianna and Me

The McCreedy's

Jenny, Esther and Brianna

Miss Brianna and Me

Brandon's muscle picture... hahaha

And again... cause we're cute

Buddy Man wanted to stand so I helped him out

Walking back up to the cars

Me and my little man

Brianna saying hi after almost two months

And this morning we got some cuddle time in with Colston. I don't care bringing him into our bed in the morning to cuddle... especially since I will be going back to work soon. A least he sleeps in his own bed during the night!
My guys... probably dreaming of me Ü

Right when we woke up from a little light sleeping

AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE these little sausage toes! You know you want to touch them!