The time for Colston's second round of shots arrived and I was NOT excited. His stats came in at:
HEAD: 14 cm
LENGTH: 21 in
WEIGHT: 8lbs 14 oz
10th percentile
LENGTH: 21 in
WEIGHT: 8lbs 14 oz
10th percentile
They call him petite. (BUT he was surprised at how strong he already is) Ha... I told him it was nothing personal and that someday he will have big muscles like his daddy. THEN while we were waiting for his shots to arrive, he fell into a DEEP sleep. Lame AGAIN. I felt bad that he would soon have to wake up to SHOTS in his poor little petite chicken legs. Here is a before and after shot of our little man.
shots are the saddest thing ever! did you nurse right after? that always helped Evelyne. did that sound like you know who?! LOL! :) i never got a picture of Evelyne's sad face after shots- that picture breaks my heart! Yay for 10th percentile- it's gettin' there!! He'll get musCKley soon enough. :)
Oh such a sad sad picture :( Funny thing is that Isaac was almost Colston's exact size (minus 4 oz) when he was born! Can you imagine pushing that thing out?!
As sad as his little face looks, its still such a cute crying face. Thats a gift in itself.. having a cute sad cry. I know its different you because he's your kid... but ohh, i just love his little lips when he cries (although we all know I prefer him sleeping and quiet!) he looks SOOOO big in the peaceful picture. he's going to be gigantic when i come in july.
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