Monday, June 7, 2010


I can NOT even believe this little man is TWO MONTHS already. Time has flown by... and I have to go back to work next week. It's lame. It's sad. And I am NOT happy about it. But it's what our family has to do for the time being so I will suck it up. Oh how we LOVE our Buddy Man.


He's soooo alert now... stay tuned for his stats... Dr. tomorrow! That means shots... :o( SAD

One tired two month old

But clearly having some pretty good dreams Ü

This was yesterday... but he sure does love his daddy... and daddy loves him!!!


The Super Seven said...

I can't imagine going back to work after 2 months. I'm grateful that in Canada you can stay home on maternity leave paid for a year......who is going to be watching him or are you guys juggling work schedules??? Good luck!!!! Hope to meet him someday.

Laura Dunford said...

is that at your house? the last picture of Brandon? did you get your COUCHES?!!!!

ps. thanks for the post on otter pops. we just dont call them that here...

Angela said...

It goes by to fast. Its bitter sweet. He will be in good hands though. :)

Cassandra, James and Madison& Eli said...

YEAH! They groqw up so fast and Im sure you will begin to understand why us parents alsways say that now. Keep up the good job Momma nd Daddy!

Alisha said...

Wow! He is changing so much! It's kind of bittersweet isn't it? I love everything new my babies do, but at the same time, I'd love for them to stay tiny forever!

You guys have a super cute little man! Good work! : )