Monday, January 16, 2012


Sawyer woke up this morning at 2:30am. No biggie... I fed her, changed her, and then rocked her. It usually takes me about and hour or TWO to get this girl back to sleep. She sleeps every night about 5-8 hours straight so I can't complain. But unlike MOST normal newborns who go to sleep usually in the middle of nursing... she does not. I took this picture with my phone though because she's totally sleeping. Completely out... with her hands just like this. Makes me wonder what she's dreaming... because she totally kept smiling too. (I must add... she pooped up her back a few hours later)
 Love our little Smackers
 Once both kids woke up... about 7:30am, Colston and I showered while Sister sat in her bouncer chair. She cried pretty much the whole time and once we got out I was in a mad rush to get dressed, get Colston dressed, and pick up our dirty clothes. She stopped crying so I ran back in there worried... and this is what I found. He brought her one of his favorite books and was reading it to her and she was out. I almost cried it was so precious. Then before he saw me I got these pictures with my phone while he said, "K Ister. Shhhh." (It's ok Sister...)

Guest of Honor, Et-er (Esther)
 Our son is obsessed with his cousin Esther. They play all the time and VERY well. I wish she could drop out of school and just help me out all day. If Esther is around, no one else exists. (Most of the time) If she holds the baby, he cries. If she talks to someone or does something like go to the bathroom, he cries. And if she LEAVES, he loses it. Absolutely loses it for a good 10-15 min. She came and played today and they had a blast. They went outside, ate lunch, made a fort, and 'cholored' (colored). It was fun having her around today! 
 The one very short nap she took today. Isn't she sweet!

THEN to our surprise... IT SNOWED! By this time Grama Teresa came over to play before she went to work. When she got her, we bundled up the crazy and he went outside. (Gave Esther a break!)
 He eyes-closed-super tired-cheesy smile
He loved it and was so excited! (The picture on the bottom left is a BIG no-nap-yet-at 2pm yawn)
  They took an adventurous walk around the neighborhood and threw snowballs at each other Ü
All the while this little lady woke up and smiled and cooed at me all day. Today was a great day... can't say as much for the awaited adventures of tomorrow. At least for me. Tomorrow I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Stay tuned.... if I survive... hahaha!


Angela said...

Jennifer! You are putting me to shame! Great pictures. Esther loves him to. We will have lots of fun camping this summer.

Angela said...

p.s. Sawyer is a pretty baby :) No mistaking her for a boy.