Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sawyer Alexandria McCreedy

On the night of December 1st, around 1am I started to experience some pretty strong contractions exactly five minutes apart. They continued to be strong and steady for an hour. For the next 30-45 min they spaced to about 10-15 min apart but still were very strong. Brandon and I decided it was time to call Angela (4:30ish) to come get Colston. I knew she would be in town dropping off Elizabeth at work so I called and asked if she'd be willing to grab C on her way home. While she was on her way I made sure Colston had all his things ready for the next few days we'd all be gone. I was certain it was time. I woke him up and changed his diaper while Brandon showered. We handed Colston off to Angela and as soon as he was gone a HUGE wave of sadness hit me. I wasn't surprised by this as I have felt it before in the last month or so. I felt sad because I wasn't sure how I was going to adjust to it not being Me, Brandon, and Colston anymore. It was the last time that it was just the three of  us. I felt bad that he was taken and that the next time he saw us, he'd feel replaced. Silly I know, but I couldn't help the way I felt. All these feelings were new to me and I wasn't certain how to handle it all. ANYWAY: Shortly after Angela left, my contractions let up. They spaced even more to about 20 min apart. I was actually kind of mad about it. For the last two weeks I'd been stuck at 4cm. With Colston I was already in the hospital at 4cm. I made Brandon breakfast (I was NOT hungry), I did the dishes, and we wrapped Christmas presents hoping my contractions would pick up. However they didn't. I was so tired from being awake since 1am so I laid on Brandon's lap and slept for 20 min. Honestly, it felt like an hour and I was grateful for the short rest. I had a Dr. appt already scheduled for 9:15am and we talked to Angela about letting her know what the Dr. said and whether or not we'd pick Colston up. We made our way to the Dr. with all our things in the car ready to go. After being examined, I learned I was now dilated to a 5cm so the Dr. decided to strip my membrane. OUCH. It was very painful, but she was hopeful that it would stir little Sawyer. She also said to make our way to the hospital if my contractions went back to 10-15 min apart because "when this baby decides to come, it is going to be fast." That scared me. I'm a wimp. I was scared of having this baby anywhere BUT the hospital. We left the Dr. and decided to go walk around the mall. (It's closer to the hospital than going all the way home.) We ended up buying shoes and by the time we were ready to leave my contractions were back to 10-15 min apart. I didn't feel like we should go to the hospital yet because I did not want to be sent home. We stopped by Jamba juice because I needed some energy (still not hungry), then headed to Brandon's mom's to hang out for a bit. We lasted there for about 10 min before my contractions were 5-7 min apart and I knew it was time. Time to go meet our Princess. 

(I thought it would be fun to post pictures from Colston (left) along side the ones I have of Sawyer (right))
Here I am RIGHT before going to the hospital... in between contractions. Yes I look bigger with Colston but in reality I am 6lbs heavier with Sawyer.
This is at the hospital getting checked out... well in I guess you should say. Looks worse with Colston but it was WAY worse with Sawyer. I thought I was going to die and I kept saying I didn't know how people did this without drugs. Awful I know but like I said I am a wimp. I know I could do it... but.... Anyway. When I got checked at the hospital (around 12:30-1pm) I was at a 6cm. The pressure was SO strong and I was fighting the urge to push. It just felt like I had to pee over and over and over. I didn't know if I wanted to lay down, go jogging, curl up in a ball, cry, scream, or just I don't even know. I felt bad because I did yell at Brandon a few times. Nothing bad so don't worry. I think the worst thing I said was when I told him to shutup. My bad. I kept asking if I could get an epidural... was there even time?!
BARELY. With C, I got an epidural and had a few hours to rest before pushing the four times it took to get him out. With Sawyer it was a different story. I guess I have crappy veins so it took four people to get an IV in my arm. This is the point where I lost it. I HATE needles. This was when my tears came and I felt like I lost control a little. All the while, the Dr. and nurses were telling my dad and Brandon that there probably wouldn't be time. Brandon made sure to tell everyone not to let me know this for fear I would lose it even more. I regained my composure knowing soon I would feel relief. BARELY with any time to spare (not to mention after everyone was literally RUNNING to help me) I got my epidural. Once I started to feel a little better a few minutes after, they sent everyone out of the room to check my progress. They checked and BOOM at a 9cm. They told Brandon and I that they were going to break my water. Water broke followed by "Push whenever you're ready!" We weren't expecting that response. I pushed three times and she was here. (Our families in the waiting room thought I was just being checked and were not expecting the picture of Sawyer that they all got on their phones minutes after leaving the room) As soon as Sawyer was out at 4:37pm, the Dr. said, "Just so you know you pretty much had this baby drug free. You made it through the hardest part without it. You did great." I'm sort of on the fence with how I felt about that. In a way I kind of wish I would have just done it. I felt WAY more this time than last. I KNOW I could have done it, but then again, I am grateful for the epidural.
These pictures were taken right before the pushing.
Meeting my babies for the first time. (04-07-10 @ 6:28pm) (12-01-11 @ 4:37pm)
Meeting Daddy
Hello world! Colston was 3.5 weeks early and tiny. He only weighed 5lbs. 8oz and was 17in. Sawyer on the other hand (full term) was still tiny at 6lbs. 5oz. 19in. I did not tare thank goodness. Not having stitches has made all the difference. Also the fact that I didn't have the epidural very long. I was up and walking around by 8pm.
Bath time: This time Brandon got to bathe Sawyer. So sweet. He was also able to cut the cord this time around. With Colston being a premie, they just cut it themselves because he wasn't crying and needed to be checked rather quickly. I loved being able to snuggle my Princess right away for a good 15-20 min before they took her. I only got to hold C for about 5 min.
Just loving my babies
Angela brought Colston to the hospital around 7-8pm to meet his baby sister wearing his 'World's Best Brother' shirt. (Sawyer was wearing her 'Little Sis' onesie) We got it on tape and it was SO sweet. I honestly almost cried. He ran into the room excited that his Grama's were there, and stopped mid run when he realized Brandon and I were off to his left. It took him a second to realize kind of what was going on but quickly walked over saying, "Baby!" We put him on the bed next to me and he just looked at her. We told him to kiss her and he got confused and kissed me instead. Kissed Brandon. Pointed out Sawyer's eye. Her hat. Kissed her. Hugged her. It was precious. I am glad we got it captured but I know that is something I never ever would forget in a million years. It broke my heart a little when he left. I wanted BOTH my babies. Thinking about it now actually makes me want to cry a little. (Still hormonal here)
One day old. They asked us the next day if we were wanting to leave or stay another night. We opted on staying the second night just to make sure we got a little extra rest. Three hours of solid sleep was amazing. Though after we decided, we rethought and really wished we'd gone home. BUT oh well. Guess we needed that resting time. We both REALLY missed our Buddy Man too... it was bittersweet being with a new baby but away from our boy.
Ready to head home! (Same carseat... and they look so much more a like than the first day she was born)
Our wonderful happy perfect little family. We could not be happier. She is really a dream. She sleeps at night for 4-5 hours at a time, eats, then goes back to sleep. She cries when she's hungry and that's about it. I love her. I love my boy. I love my Husband. I am blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I am excited for this new journey with the man I love most. 


Laura Dunford said...

I am seriously sooooo pathetic. This is the third baby story I've read in the last week and I am near tears everytime (and I have NO excuse). I can't wait to have a family of my own. It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it.

Jackie O'Hearon said...

That is the best post ever....what precious memories you have captured!!! What a perfect family indeed! Love you!!

Angela said...

And you said you are not photogenic! What good pictures. Where was blogger when I started my family!? I am kind of partial when it comes to Colston....., so of course its a great post. It will be interesting to see how Soybean is!