Saturday, March 20, 2010


This post is just for one of my bests... Telicia. She wanted a new post so here it is.... hahahaha

I promise a BETTER post soon. With pictures :o)

(Happy Teli?) I hope so... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


..telicia.. said...

Gosh.. It's PERFECT!!! You knew just what i wanted!!! LOL HA!

Laura Dunford said...

Hahahha SWEET PICTURE. I'm glad you posted too. When you get more consistent I might add you back up to my shortcuts bar at the top of my page...

love amrad

and I'm sorry.... I think I got rid of that word thing what I was muckiiin' around with my blog the otehr day... life will go on.

Angela said...

not a flattering picture.....but at least you
posted. i am not any better!