Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Talks...

So today I had to give a talk at church on testimony. I was super nervous cause when I asked Brandon if he would like to come listen he actually said yes. So I thought a little bit about what I was going to say the week prior to today... and I decided I wasn't going to write anything down becuase everytime I do, I never say what I write. I did end up writing just a few scriptures down, but only used a few of them. HA.... so I was last to speak and the two talks before me were the same topic. So it was hard to say things that weren't already said and I was almost glad I didn't write anything down. It probably would have been the same as the first two. So I just kinda bore my testimony of testimonies. As silly as that sounds, other than feeling like I rambled on for ten minutes, I think it went alright. Just thought that I would share my whole talk experience :o) PS Brandon said I did a really good job, so I guess at least a few people understood my rambles. I probably couldn't tell you what I said either! Well it's the start of a new week... I am not looking forward to work but hey it's life. Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!


Janice said...

I thought you did great today and I wanted to come and give you a big Mom hug, but I never saw you again after that. I could tell it was from your heart, but I didn't know you didn't have any notes. That's quite an accomplishment! You have grown a lot! Be strong and hang in there for what you truly want and believe in!

Mama Janice

Danelle Grossnickle said...

Your talk was great! You do have such a great testimony and I love it when you get up and bare it! Thank you for being you Jennifer, you are a breath of fresh air! I am so happy that Brandon decided he would come and be at church to watch you give your talk, good man!