Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today after a weekend of HOT nice weather, we let Zach swim in his pool for the first time. I bought it yesterday but didn't have time until today to let him try it out. I put water in it before we left for church so that it would be nice and warm when we got home. When we got home the water was as warm and a bath! So we got Zach ready in his shorts and all covered in sunscreen. Here are some pictures that we got! Hope you enjoy.

This is what we call a sunscreen hair-do! And awesome basketball shorts!

Always drooling.... of course.

Splash splash!

What a happy boy!

What's this?

More drool!

Me and my boy.

And so you see he LOVES the water and LOVES to be outside. He definitely fits into our family. Can't wait for more sunny days ahead! And Heather when you finally bring Isaac to play, maybe if it's hot Zach will share his pool!


Janice said...

cute pictures! What a good auntie you are:) Aren't you so excited Heather is finally coming home for a visit?!

A little Birdie... said...

You don't love him at all do you!? He's super cute and we can't wait to meet him! Isaac would definiately love a swim. In the picture with the drool he looks like Jeremy a bit! Miss you!

Cassandra, James and Madison& Eli said...

Aww lots of fun pictures. YOu are such an awesome Aunite and some day will make a great Mommy too!!! Your family is adorable.. all forms and sizes! I love the drool coming off the face, so natural!

Bea's little Stuff said...

Babies look so cool with all that swimming.