Monday, March 19, 2012

Extended family gathering

February 11, 2012: I talked my parents into going with me and the kids to my cute cousins State Cheer competition in Portland. My dad's sister Debi and her family live in Bend, OR. We are all really lame and never see each other which is silly being so close. ANYWAY Debi let us know that they would be 'closer' and I was able to convince the 'rents' to go! It was something I've never done so it was pretty fun to experience something new with people I love!
Colston loving on 'Peepa' or 'Pipa' (however you want to spell it)
Cousin Ryan with baby Sawyer. Boy did she love him!
Aunt Debi and Mom
Zach and Colston dancing to the music
Watching intently
Zachary and me
The fans 
My cousins team about to start
Here they go!
Group shot!
Haylee and Sawyer
Me and cute Haylee 
Me and Ryan
Dad and Debi (Brother and Sister)
What a fun time we had and I am SO glad we went!

ALSO: This girl turned TWO months. I can NOT believe how fast time is flying. She is beautiful. She talks allll the time. She sleeps through the night. She makes us smile. Her brother LOVES her and she loves him. She HATES the hiccups. She LOVES the bath. She is wonderful. I honestly can not say enough about her. *Sigh* She's dreamy. Sawyer baby we love you! 

1 comment:

Janice said...

She spells her name H-A-Y-L-E-E too?! That's like the first person I've ever seen do it like we do:) Cute pictures!