Friday, January 27, 2012

Baths and books don't mix

For some reason... Colston decided his two of his three favorite books needed to get in the bath. At first I was mad because I LOVE books and lately he's been putting his favorite ones through the ringer, yet still wants ONLY to read those before bed. The Gruffalo, The Big Red Barn, and I Love You Stinkyface.... I made myself try to understand his thinking. He has torn some pages and the cardboard books, he's peeled apart. (Maybe thinking it was another page?) ANYWAY... He loves the bath and he loves his books. So maybe he wanted them to take a bath with him. I love him but sometimes.... ha... he drives me crazy! Brandon fished them out and I propped them up to dry. 
PS: Everyone should own these books... AND The Big Red Barn 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Its good he likes books. So did Briana, Elizabet, Mathew,...Esther, not so much.