Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just waiting!

After going to the hospital 11-18-11, well more like the 19th at 3am due to experiencing a lot of pressure and not sure if I was in labor or not, we found I was dilated to 4cm and sent home to wait on the arrival of our Princess. They said my contractions have to be more consistent OR my water has to break. Neither has happened. In fact, it almost feels like NOTHING is happening. Like we've gone backwards. BUT I know she will come when SHE'S ready. Not me. SOOOO therefore we went for a nice family walk this morning in the COLD, CRISP, FALL weather. The sun was shining and it really was a nice family time. I love my family. Not going to say that I wasn't trying to convince Sawyer to come out and see the last bits of the sunshine... she didn't fall for it. And now, it's 6:10pm and dark. Looks like she missed out. 
 A frosty web
 Our bundled little peanut complete with his hand warmers ha!

Later we decided to go walk around Fred Meyer's and maybe stir something up (because it's warm in there) and LO and BEHOLD we saw the WIENER! 
Never in my life have I or Brandon seen the Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile, but we did today so I made the boys pose. Who knows if Colston will ever see it so I had to document it. We got some laughs...


Angela said...

Colston is cute as always, and you have to hand it to Brandon for being a good sport! I doubt Stuart would have let me take his picture!!

Cassandra, James and Madison& Eli said...

HA. I totally did the same thing when MAdison and I saw it a couple years ago at the Albertsons :) can't wait to see picutres of your little girl too