Sunday, April 26, 2009

A playday with the baby Staley girls...

So Friday I called my sister and told her Brandon and I were stealing her babies to come play with us for the day. Here is us and what we did:

Kate tired but happy to be joining the adventure in her NEW big girl car seat cause she is one now.

And OBVIOUSLY this is Becca. Can you tell she is happy too? (note the cute car seat)

That's right! They match now. And Brandon's response to this was, "Look it's like we have twins pretty much." (He really wants twins and I really don't.)

They love each other.

She sat there forever just touching his face. She really likes to gently touch everything. It was cute. She sure likes him a lot!

We decided it would be fun to take silly pictures!

This one was her idea.

Then we went to Brandon's sister, Amber's softball game. Here are Kate's cute little feetsies!

And this is Rebecca just looking for ants. Ha!

Just the famous Kate the Great.

My love and me in the sunshine!

And of course... Yours truly. PEACE!


Angela said...

I am with you there, I never wanted twins. Some people do though! I like your new background. I want lots of sunshine!

Danelle Grossnickle said...

how do you take such great self photos? Very fun! Are those Adrian's kids?